St. Gallen - Appenzell

St. Gallen - Appenzell
9001 St. Gallen
St. Gallen - Appenzell
St. Gallen - Appenzell
From Bludenz the route goes to Rorschach. Here a trip on the rack-and-pinion railway to Heiden is recommended. There you can enjoy a beautiful view far over the Lake Constance and the Rhine valley.
St. Gallen is famous for the beautiful town houses, for the baroque Stiftskirche (collegiate church) and the Stiftsbibliothek (abbey library); UNESCO World Heritage Site! After the town visit the trip goes into the country - into the Appenzell and its principal town of the same name, and its bewitching painted wooden houses.
St. Gallen - Appenzell
9001 St. Gallen