2 adults

Rooms 1


My accommodation

2 adults

A good choice for your holiday:
Alpenstadt Bludenz

  • 163 landlords and hosts
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

A good choice for your holiday:

  • 163 accommodations
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

A good choice for your holiday:

  • 163 landlords and hosts
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

A good choice for your holiday:
Biosphere reserve Großes Walsertal

  • 163 holiday properties
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

Rooms 1

Terms and Conditions for Guest Cards

Applicable to different Guest Cards of the Region

Please read the regulations carefully before using the guest card.

1. General

1.1 Definition / position of parties involved

The "guest card" is a service provided by Alpenregion Bludenz Tourismus GmbH (hereinafter "TVB") and selected partners of Alpenregion Bludenz. The "card service" combines different services of several service partners into a single product, namely the "Brandnertal, Bludenz, Klostertal Guest Card" and the "Walser Guest Card" (hereinafter "Guest Card"). The card can offer a discount, special promotions, free transport or free entry. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the Guest Card is issued and administered by "Alpenregion Bludenz Tourismus GmbH". "Service partners" are the businesses (e.g. cableway operators, public transport, operators of leisure or cultural facilities such as museums, swimming pools, climbing gyms etc.) providing the relevant service to the lawful cardholder (guest) on the basis of their terms of service and transportation. A list of service partners is available at https://www.vorarlberg-alpenregion.at/en/guest-cards/guest-cards-of-the-region.html. The "host" is an accommodation business in the Alpenregion Bludenz that is exclusively responsible for issuing the Guest Card to guests.

1.2 Contractual basis:
Service partners are businesses that provide their respective card services with complete autonomy and legal independence in whatever legal form. A framework agreement between the guest and TVB is concluded once the Guest Card is handed over. Once the guest uses the Guest Card, the specific individual or service contract is concluded only with the guest and the service partner whose card service is used by the guest. The contractual basis for the provision of the Guest Card service are therefore exclusively the terms of service and transportation of the respective service partner.

1.3 The obligation to provide the relevant card service lies exclusively with the relevant service partner subject to the service contract that is concluded when the Guest Card is used. Neither Alpenregion Bludenz Tourismus GmbH nor the host are contracting parties in connection with the card service to be provided nor are they intermediaries or vicarious agents of the relevant service contract. Furthermore, they are not travel agents.

1.4 The following terms of service ("Terms") govern the use of the Guest Card in addition to the service partners' terms of service and transportation (framework agreement).

2. Scope of Guest Card

2.1 The Guest Card is available to the guest free of charge and will be issued by TVB and by the guest's host according to paragraph 3 of these Terms, provided that the guest spends one (1) night with a host in the Alpenregion Bludenz.

2.2 Each guest may take advantage of the card services subject to the relevant service partner's terms of service and transportation, the legal provisions, and the general availability of the service. The services which are available are listed in the Guest Card leaflet and at https://www.vorarlberg-alpenregion.at/en/guest-cards/guest-cards-of-the-region.html.

2.3 Guest Card services cannot be combined with other promotions and discounts offered by the service partners. However, a guest is free to take advantage of the most favourable promotion. Services offered by service partners are generally non-binding and apply until the end of service availability. A guest has no general legal entitlement to the free or discounted use of a card service.

3. Entitlement and Access to Guest Card

3.1 Guest Cards are not on free sale. Only guests who spend at least one (1) night with a host in the Alpenregion Bludenz and were registered in accordance with legal requirements are entitled to a Guest Card.

3.2 Guest Cards are issued and provided to the guest by the host, except in case of loss or theft according to Section 6.3. For this purpose, the guest must disclose name and surname, date of birth as well as the date of arrival and departure.

4. Validity

4.1 The Guest Card is valid only in combination with a photo ID and when all data are completed and the host has registered and reported the guest. The Guest Card is not transferable and may be used only by the person to whom it is issued.

4.2 The Guest Card services are available during the summer season (1 May until 31 October) and the winter season (1 November until 30 April) (hereinafter "Promotion Period"). The Guest Card is valid from the day on which a guest arrives until his or her departure (hereinafter "Stay"). The Guest Card automatically expires once a guest leaves and need not be terminated or cancelled by the guest.

4.3 A card service may be used several times during the Stay, depending on the respective card service. However, a guest is not generally entitled to multiple use of a card service.

5. Claiming card services

5.1 The guest acknowledges that operating and opening hours of certain service partners are seasonal and may not be consistent with the Promotion Period. A guest may therefore not be able to benefit from all card services.

5.2 Guests must show their Guest Cards without being asked in order to be able to benefit from a card service. When a guest wants to claim a service, he or she must have a Guest Card both for participating children and for participating adults. At the service partner's request, the guest must also show a valid photo ID. The service partner may refuse to provide the card service if a guest is not able or willing to do so.

5.3 Prior to claiming a service, guests must be familiar with the relevant terms of use and transportation as well as other terms and conditions and, if necessary, also the security measures adopted by the service partner and must follow the service partner's directions.

5.4 A service partner may refuse to provide a card service and to conclude service contracts with the guest if there are objective reasons for not concluding a contract or providing a service.

Service partners may refuse to provide services in particular on the following grounds:
• Natural disasters and other events of force majeure
• Changing weather conditions
• Maintenance and repair work
• Guest represents a threat to his or her own safety or to the safety of third parties
• Guest's poor health, inadequate gear, inappropriate clothing
• Guest violates the service partner's regulations (terms of service, terms of transportation, other requirements)
• Guest refuses to show a photo IT, or similar reasons
• Overcrowding, system overload
• Too few or too many participants/capacity of service partner's facilities is reached or
• Other reasons in the service partner's overriding legitimate interest.

In these cases, a guest has no claim for performance or compensation for damage vis-à-vis the service partner.

5.5 The Guest Card does not include insurance benefits.

6. Transfer, loss and defect of a Guest Card

6.1 Guest Cards may not be transferred. If a Guest Card is passed on to another person, the guest shall also be liable for any misuse of his or her Guest Card by third parties.

6.2 In case of any misuse or suspected misuse of a Guest Card, the service partner shall be entitled and obliged to retain the Guest Card and to block it, if necessary. Any documented misuse or substantiated suspected misuse of a Guest Card will be reported to the police.

6.3 A guest is required to inform the host or TVB immediately if a Guest Card is lost or stolen. The host or TVB can then issue a new card. The lost Guest Card will be blocked and is invalidated when a new card is issued.

6.4 The host will replace defective Guest Cards.

6.5 In case of a guest's early departure, the Guest Card will be blocked for the remaining period of validity.

7. Warranty and liability

7.1 TVB explicitly does not guarantee that a guest is actually able to benefit from a Guest Card service of a service partner.

7.2 TVB warrants only that a guest can benefit from the Guest Card service according to these Terms during operating hours.

7.3 TVB accepts unlimited liability vis-à-vis the guest under the framework agreement only in case of premeditated action and gross negligence as well as personal injury. TVB is not liable for minor negligence, compensation of consequential damage and financial loss, immaterial damage, loss of savings, lost profit as well as damage due to claims asserted by third parties vis-à-vis TVB.

7.4 A service partner's liability under the service contract concluded with a guest is subject to the legal provisions (including but not limited to those of the Act on Civil Liability Against Rail and Motor Vehicle Operators and the Cableways Act) and its own terms of service and transportation. Any liability, either due to legal or contractual provisions, for incidents arising from the use of a card service (e.g. transportation by a cableway operator) shall exclusively be the responsibility of the service partner in whose sphere the incident has occurred. The other service partners, TVB or the host shall not be liable.

8. Data privacy

The host or TVB respectively will collect, process and use personal data of the guest only when this is necessary to fulfill the contract. Guest data are therefore collected and processed only for the provision of card services. Further information on data privacy is available in our privacy statement at https://www.vorarlberg-alpenregion.at/en/information-about-cookies-and-data-protection.html.

9. Other provisions

9.1 Oral ancillary agreements besides these Terms do not exist. Any ancillary agreements whatsoever as well as any amendments or modifications shall be made in writing to be effective. This applies also to a waiver of this written form requirement.

9.2 Any disputes arising in connection with the use and issue of the Premium Guest Card shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Austrian law, to the exclusion of the UN Sales Convention and Austrian conflict of law rules.

9.3 Notwithstanding mandatory legal provisions, all disputes arising between TVB and the guest shall exclusively be referred to the court which has jurisdiction ratione materiae for TVB. TVB may also refer any dispute to the competent court at the guest's place of residence.

9.4 If one or several terms hereof is/are null and void, TVB and the guest explicitly agree on such valid terms which closet reflect the economic purpose of the invalid term, without affecting the validity of the remaining terms hereof.

Last amended on 13 August 2020

Discover theRegion


Discover three valleys and one alpine town

Alprenregion voralrbergÜbersichtBrandnertalBludenzKlostertalWalsertal

Welcome to Brandnertal

The variety of sporting activities make Brandnertal a dream destination for active holidaymakers, families and connoisseurs. The Brandnertal Bike Park, lots of hiking and biking routes, the climbing park, different theme trails, a golf course and the Alvierbad guarantee a varied summer. There is also the Lünersee to marvel at - one of the most beautiful places in Austria.

To Brandnertal

Welcome to the Alpine Town of Bludenz

The Alpine town of Bludenz forms the centre of the five surrounding valleys and combines nature, culture and city in a stimulating way. The two villages of Bludenz and Nüziders are the ideal starting points for discovery tours into the surrounding regions and the Muttersberg. A mountain world full of sporting, cultural and culinary possibilities awaits you.

To the Alpine Town

Welcome to Klostertal

Klostertal provides intensive encounters with nature at the foot of the Arlberg. In summer the many scenic hiking and mountain tours, cycling and mountain biking routes as well as sporting challenges such as the via ferrata by the Fallbach will inspire you. Water plays an important role in Klostertal: From thundering waterfalls to beautiful mountain lakes a lot is offered.

To Klostertal

Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal

Breathe in - breathe out - breathe in. Summer in the biosphere reserve is above all one thing: relaxing. Start your day with a delicious mountain breakfast, hike across alpine meadows, climb to summits and linger on the region's most beautiful viewpoints. Free from everyday life, you can discover the unique natural jewels of the valley: with its alpine gardens and flower meadows, its lakes, rivers and high alpine peaks.

To Großes Walsertal
BürserbergBürsBrandThüringerbergSt.GeroldBlonsRaggalSonntagFontanellaFaschinaNüzidersBludenzBrazDalaasWald am ArlbergKlösterle am Arlberg

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