Alfenz circular trail | Braz

Distance7,6 km

Elevation gain99 m

Negative altitude99 m


Duration2:30 h

Distance7,6 km

Elevation gain99 m


Duration2:30 h

A short moment

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Alfenz circular trail | Braz

Start here at the Arzthaus in Innerbraz. Turn right here onto the Ehalbweg and walk downhill along the Masonbach stream. Under the schools, the trail leads out of the valley and through a subway until you reach the Alfenzweg. Along the Alfenz, the winter hiking trail leads out of the valley to Unterrifats. From here, continue out of the valley to Unterradin to the water intake. There the trail branches off to the right and leads back into the valley via the winter hiking trail. The trail leads along the Klostertalerstraße for a short distance. At the TRAUBE BRAZ Alpen.Spa.Golf.Hotel, turn right towards Unterrifats and hike along the same path along the Alfenz back to the starting point. The tour can also be shortened with the bus line 720.

Author's recommendation

The Gasthof Rössle and the TRAUBE BRAZ Alpen.Spa.Golf.Hotels invite you to a cosy stop.


Sturdy shoes, warm clothing and walking sticks are recommended. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Community centre/doctors house, Innerbraz

End: Community centre/doctors house, Innerbraz

Community centre/doctors house, Innerbraz - Ehalbweg - subway - Alfenzweg - Unterrifats - Unterradin - winter hiking trail - Klostertalerstraße - TRAUBE BRAZ Alpen.Spa.Golf.Hotel - Unterrifat - same way back


  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Way cleared
  • Groomed snow

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)