Next date05.04.202509:00 AM Uhr

6700 Bludenz

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Bicycle exchange Bludenz

On April 5, used bikes will once again be bought and sold at the Klarenbrunn factory in Bludenz. The start of the season for various themed markets in the town is the ideal meeting place not only for bike fans, as everything revolves around bikes here. Fun and adrenaline are equally represented in the supporting program of the bike market.

Weather permitting, the event will offer a multifaceted supporting program, making an extended family outing a must.

Cooperation partners: Fabrik Klarenbrunn, ÖAMTC Sparkasse Radclub Rätikon Bludenz, the City of Bludenz with the Environment and Mobility Department

ÖAMTC - Bürs base
Vorarlberg Radelt - Office of the Vorarlberg Provincial Government
Mäki's bike workshop
MINT Region Bludenz - Montafon
Environment & Mobility Department of the City of Bludenz
Bludenz police
SeneCura Bludenz rickshaw service
ÖAMTC Cycling Club Sparkasse Rätikon Bludenz
Opening hours: from 09.00 to 15.00 incl. supporting program

Bike delivery: 08.00 - 11.00 a.m.

The event will take place in all weathers, but the outdoor exhibition offers will be canceled in case of bad weather.

Location: Klarenbrunn factory, Bludenz

Organizer: Bludenz Stadtmarketing GmbH with co-organizer Fabrik-Klarenbrunn

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