Barfuß-Weg Brandnertal

Barfuß-Weg Brandnertal

Quick facts

Start: Dorfbahn mountain station
Length: about 1.5 km
Walking time: approx. 1 hr.
Refreshments: Alpe Parpfienz
Stroller: suitable for prams

Visit the barefoot path to the Inner Parpfienzalpe in Brand. With the Dorfbahn you are in a few minutes at the starting point. From the mountain station you hike (still wearing shoes) up to the Innere Parpfienzalpe. After the steep, first piece, it becomes a bit flatter and shortly after a fence, a hiking sign points to the barefoot path. 150 meters after this turn you will find benches on a stream - here you can take off your shoes!

Those who can not wait any longer can already stimulate the circulation in the clear water of the mountain stream. Then it starts on the way. To the right of the "stroller lane" you can start on the sandy path - you may also like to test out the adjacent forest floor. After only a few meters, a bench overlooking a small mountain lake invites you to relax while the children explore the forest. Continue on tree trunk slices and then on forest floor again. In a steep serpentine the next rest area is located. Here, the children can let off steam on a fallen giant trees. Shortly thereafter, the pinecone station follows. Feel the tickling on the soles of your feet?