Außerbergweg | Bürs-Bürserberg

Distance3,0 km

Elevation gain267 m

Negative altitude5 m


Duration1:00 h

Distance3,0 km

Elevation gain267 m


Duration1:00 h

A short moment

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Außerbergweg | Bürs-Bürserberg

This winter hike starts at the sports facility in Bürs. From here, hike briefly along the main road uphill. Cross the main road at the stop sign and walk on the opposite side of the road on the no-drive road in the direction of Außerberg. First cross a bridge, then continue along the old road through the forest and past houses in the direction of Außerberg. From the village of Außerberg continue to the center of Bürserberg. From here take the same route back or take the bus L580 back to Bürs.


Sturdy shoes, warm clothing and walking sticks are recommended. Cell phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Sports facility, Bürs

End: Village center, Bürserberg

Bürs - main road - stop sign - cross the provincial road - no-drive road - Außerberg - Bürserberg town centre - return via the same route or by bus L580.


  • Linear route
  • Refreshment stops available

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)