Böser Tritt Trail Run | Brand

Distance1,8 km

Elevation gain416 m

Negative altitude2 m


Duration0:35 h

Distance1,8 km

Elevation gain416 m


Duration0:35 h

A short moment

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Böser Tritt Trail Run | Brand

From the valley station of the Lünersee cable car, the trail leads over the "Böser Tritt" up to the mountain station of the Lünersee cable car. The descent takes place afterwards with the Lünersee cable car.


Running shoes, sun and rain protection, filled water bottle, snack (as you wish) and first aid equipment. Mobile phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Valley station of the Lünersee cable car

End: Mountain station of the Lünersee cable car

Lünersee cable car valley station - Böser Tritt - Lünersee cable car mountain station - descent with the cable car - Lünersee cable car valley station


  • Linear route
  • Cableway ascent/descent

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)