Outdoor and indoor playground Muttersberg

Outdoor and indoor playground Muttersberg

Outdoor play area in summer
The area around the mountain station is transformed into different play zones, which are connected by paths and walkways. The focus on nature and water can be felt everywhere. From watercourses with pumps and water wheels to slides, balancing courses and climbing rocks, care is taken to use sustainable materials wherever possible. For example, most of the play equipment is made from naturally grown, finely sanded robinia trunks.

Water - get up close and personal with sand and mud
Movement - letting off steam is fun
Rest - resting is a must
Peace and quiet - for sun worshippers without children

Indoor play area in winter
The indoor playground offers 150 m² of space, including a climbing wall and a slackline. This makes the Muttersberg an ideal destination in both sunny and snowy weather. For children, the modern play area means a variety of new experiences. They can live out their natural urge to move and be creative. Meanwhile, parents can keep an eye on everything.

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