Nüziders Tour | Bludenz-Nüziders

Distance6,3 km

Elevation gain42 m

Negative altitude42 m


Duration1:00 h

Distance6,3 km

Elevation gain42 m


Duration1:00 h

A short moment

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Nüziders Tour | Bludenz-Nüziders

From the start, the first part of the route runs parallel to the City Tour and the Brunnenfeld-Loop along Untersteinerstraße. At the Herrengasse junction, the route branches off to the right and leads slightly uphill towards Oberes Tor. Cross the road there and continue along St. Annastrasse - you walk approx. 1.3 km westwards, crossing the Galgentobel and the border of Nüziders and entering a traffic-calmed area (Rafaltenstrasse) of Bludenz. Now you run an anti-clockwise loop (Zollgasse - Im Hag) through a quiet and beautiful residential area into Nüziders. From there, the route runs half on tarmac, half on the forest path, alongside fields and along the railway tracks over a slight ascent back to the intersection of the loop. Back in the town centre of Bludenz, you follow the same route as on the outward journey, partly downhill past the old town and back to the starting point at the stadium.


Running shoes, sun and rain protection, filled water bottle, snack (as desired) and first aid kit. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Stadium, Bludenz

End: Stadium, Bludenz

Stadium - Untersteinstraße - Herrengasse - Oberes Tor - St. Annastraße - Galgentobel - Rafaltenstraße - Zollgasse - Im Hag - forest path - Zollgasse - same route back


  • Scenic
  • Round trip

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)