Palüd-Tour | Brand

Distance2,9 km

Elevation gain527 m


Duration1:45 h

Distance2,9 km

Elevation gain527 m


Duration1:45 h

A short moment

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Palüd-Tour | Brand

The starting point of this tour is at the Innertal car park. From there, follow the signs uphill. At first, the tour leads over three large hairpin bends along the forest road before the tour branches off to the right. From here, the route continues uphill in open ski terrain towards Palüd Maisäß. Above the Palüd Maisäße, the route then goes through the forest for a while before joining the ski piste. The last part of the ascent is via the ski piste. Please watch out for skiers coming from above and always ascend on the far right along the piste. After stopping for refreshments at the restaurants in the Palüd section of the ski area, the descent is via ski piste no. 11 or, if there is enough snow, via ski piste no. 11 and ski route no. 11a.

Please note for the descent via the ski pistes: The ski pistes are closed daily from 17:00-08:00! Skiing on the closed pistes is prohibited without exception during this time.

Please note the avalanche report: This tour is only possible if the route is open. If the avalanche danger is too high, the tour may have to be closed. Pay attention to the avalanche report and the information boards and trail closures at the start of the route.

No liability can be accepted for the accuracy of the information can be accepted. Ski touring in alpine terrain is always at your own risk.

Author's recommendation

A stop at the restaurants in the Palüd ski area is well worthwhile.


Complete ski touring equipment including emergency equipment (avalanche transceiver, shovel and probe), warm clothing, tea and/or small snack. Cell phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Car park Innertal, Brand

End: Car park Innertal, Brand

Innertal car park - follow the signs uphill - first three hairpin bends along the forest road - turn off towards Palüd Maisäß - ascent in open ski terrain - Palüd Maisäß - ascent through a wooded area - junction with the ski piste - ascent via the ski piste - Palüd - descent via piste no. 11 or ski piste no. 11 and ski route no. 11a (if there is enough snow)


  • Linear route
  • Scenic
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Forest roads
  • Clear area
  • Forest

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)