Short City Tour | Bludenz

Distance2,7 km

Elevation gain4 m

Negative altitude4 m


Duration0:25 h

Distance2,7 km

Elevation gain4 m


Duration0:25 h

A short moment

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Short City Tour | Bludenz

The short city circuit is ideal for beginners or as a warm-up before another training session in the stadium. From the starting point at the stadium, the route heads in an easterly direction. Past the stadium and the Val Blu leisure pool, follow the road to the Neyer carpentry workshop and turn left onto a forest path. Follow the forest path along the residential area for approx. 500 metres before leaving the softer ground and switching back to asphalt. The route now heads north-west towards Schillerstraße, which you follow past the New Apostolic Church to the Bludenz secondary school. One last change of direction and you are already on the home straight of the route, which runs parallel to the city circuit. After approx. 2.7 km, you return to the starting point at the stadium.


Running shoes, sun and rain protection, filled water bottle, snack (as desired) and first aid kit. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Stadium, Bludenz

End: Stadium, Bludenz

Stadium - Stadionstraße - Grete-Gulbranssonweg - Rungelinerstraße - turn off onto forest path - follow forest path - turn off onto Schillerstraße - Schulgasse - Jellerstraße - Stadium


  • Round trip

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)