Via Zimbajoch to the Lünersee | Brand

Distance16,9 km

Elevation gain1880 m

Negative altitude1309 m


Duration9:00 h

Distance16,9 km

Elevation gain1880 m


Duration9:00 h

A short moment

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Via Zimbajoch to the Lünersee | Brand

This mountain tour starts in the center of Brand. Here you hike along the Alvierbach stream out of the valley until the trail branches off into the Sarotla valley. The beautiful hiking trail leads along the stream in several serpentines up to the Sarotlahütte. Passing the Sarotlahütte, this mountain hike now leads on level ground for a short while and then over rocky terrain in several serpentines up to the Zimbajoch, 2,387m. At the Zimbajoch you will enjoy very beautiful views of the Rätikon mountains! On the other side, a very steep zig-zag path also in rocky terrain leads down to the Heinrich-Hueter hut. After a short rest at the Heinrich-Hueter hut, the trail then leads via the Gipsköpfleweg below the Schafgafall up to the Lünerkrinne. From the Lünerkrinne, the trail now descends to the Lünersee and continues along the Lünersee circular trail to the Douglasshütte. From here you can either take the Lünersee cable car and the bus back to Brand or descend via the Bösen Tritt to the valley station of the Lünersee cable car and continue on foot to Brand.

Author's recommendation

Due to the length of the tour, we recommend setting off early. This tour is not recommended when it is wet and there are still snowfields below the Zimbajoch.


Mountain boots with treaded soles, warm clothing, rain and sun protection and hiking poles are recommended. Sufficient snacks and drinks for the entire tour. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Village centre, Brand

End: Lünersee cable car valley station, Brand

Brand village center - Alvierbachweg - Sarotlatal junction - Sarotlatal- Sarotlahütte - Zimbajoch - Heinrich-Hueter-Hütte - Gipsköpfleweg - Lünerkrinne - Lünersee-Rundweg - Douglasshütte - Lünerseebahn mountain station - descent with Lünerseebahn or descent via Bösen Tritt - bus back to starting point.


  • Linear route
  • Scenic
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Cableway ascent/descent
  • Exposed sections
  • Secured passages

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)