Burtscha-Tour | Bürserberg

Length5,3 km Elevation gain443 m LevelEasy Duration1:45 h
Short, signposted beginner's ski tour from the Tschengla up to the Burtschasattel.
Against the direction of travel, you hike up to undiscovered places with skis on your feet. The path through the winter landscape alone is impressive, but for most the highlight comes after the ascent: For the crowning finale, you zigzag across the piste or through the untracked powder snow back to the valley. You'll find plenty of signposted tours over and off the slopes. Here is more info about selected tours, beginner tours and our tour evenings.
When ski touring, safety is the top priority. Apart from clothing and equipment, you must always know where you are, how the weather is developing and what the avalanche situation is. In order to train the use of avalanche emergency equipment, an stationary avalanche serach field was built on the Tschengla in Bürserberg. These things are indispensable and are available or can be rented in the sports stores and rentals in Brand and Bürserberg:
In Brandnertal there is a unique concept for tourers who like to ascend via safe paths or via the ski slope. Specially signposted routes lead for the most part along hiking trails to the mountain station. This eliminates collisions on the ski slope and you are always on the safe side. Ideally accompanied by an experienced guide.
For all those who would like to ski tour at night, there are the tour evenings in Bürserberg and in Palüd. And if you scroll all the way down, you will find more tours for experts. If you are venturing into alpine terrain for the first time, take a local mountain guide with you.
On selected slopes touring is also possible by moonlight. Please stay exclusively on the mentioned slopes on the mentioned days. All other slopes are closed from 17:00 due to grooming without exception and use at your own risk. There is no protection or marking there.
Bürserberg: Every Tuesday until 22:00 ascent and descent on the slopes no. 21, 22, and 26 as well as on the signposted ski touring routes (Burtscha-Tour and Faregg-Tour)
Palüd: Every Wednesday until 22:00 ascent and descent on piste no. 11 (or ski route no. 11a) to the open Palüd hut
Note: Please inform about the current situation of the slopes in the daily updated winter report as well as hut opening times
Bürserberg, Baumgarten 11a
Brand, Mühledörfle 80
Starting point: after the end of Brand, 1.120m
Altitude difference: 1.850m
Difficulty: medium
Avalanche danger: high
Season: February - May
The ski tour to the highest peak of the Rätikon is considered an absolute highlight. The very long, conditionally demanding tour with several steep sections is rewarded with a magnificent panoramic view on the summit.
On the road from the Innertal to the valley station of the Lünerseebahn. Continue to the end of the valley and follow the right gully to the level of the summer path. Mostly without skis over the "Böser Tritt" and the subsequent steep flank to the Lünersee. The further ascent is via the western Lünersee way. From the middle of Lünersee, in good conditions, you can start traversing the flank. One goes slightly uphill into a hollow that leads to the Totalphütte. After the Totalphütte on the left ridge to the Schesaplana border ridge. Follow this, later turn right into the ravine and steeply to the summit ridge just left of the highest elevation. The last meters are mostly on foot to the summit cross. The descent is the same as the ascent.
Starting point: Palüdbahn valley station, 1060m
Altitude difference: 1280m
Difficulty: medium
Avalanche danger: in steep mouth medium; below the summit high
Season: January- April
At the beginning on the slope about 270 m uphill to the valley floor of the "Untere Zalimalpe". Then follow the road on the left side of the valley until you reach the crossroads at the entrance to the Zalimtal valley. Here, continue on the left-hand goods road into the valley. After the wooded, lowest section in the wide valley floor uphill. At the end of the valley, cross an increasingly steep hollow to just below the level of the "Oberzalimhütte" and cross to the right, climbing gently to this hut. From the hut, which is not open in winter, continue to the right and on the right side of a ridge covered with mountain pines to a small shoulder. Now traverse to the left into a steep hollow and climb up in it until you reach the ridge to the right of the summit structure. Ski depot under the ridge rocks. Now follow the ridge - passing a rocky rise on the left - to the summit. Descent as ascent.
Starting point: valley station Einhornbahn or hiking parking lot Tschengla, 1200m
Altitude difference: 630m
Difficulty: easy
Avalanche danger: low - medium (because of the final slope to the Yoke)
Season: December - March
From the hiking parking lot Tschengla follow the road to the foot of the slope at approx. 1,230m. Over the mostly open slopes keep slightly to the right into the Furkla leveling, approx. 1,600m. On the right side of the valley between Schillerkopf and Mondspitze to below the Yoke and at the end in hairpin bends steeply on the ridge or more comfortably on small slope shoulder in the north slope of the Schillerkopf. Descent as ascent.
Alternative: Mondspitze, 1.967m
The Mondspitze is more interesting in late winter due to the heavy mountain pine growth. Route as to the Schillermulde until the leveling. Then straight towards the east ridge of the Mondspitze and just left of the ridge in hairpin bends to the summit. Descent as ascent.
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