Next date05.06.202509:15 AM Uhr

6884 DamülsDamüls 138

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Mountain hike

Experience a varied day hike together with the experienced hiking guides. Take in the breathtaking views, flowering meadows and imposing peaks and enjoy the day in the great outdoors. 


Provider: Local hiking guide Verena Bischof | Zita Sohm (on 05.06/ 12.06/ 09.10)
Duration: depending on the tour 6 to 7 hours
Walking time / difference in altitude: depending on the tour 3 to 5 hours / approx. 200 - 600 m altitude difference
Meeting point: 09:15 am Uga Lift
Costs: For guests from BERGaktiv member companies free of charge, for children up to 15 years € 5,-, otherwise € 18,- per person. The journey with trains and buses costs extra! On the tracks and in public buses the guest-card Bregenzerwald is valid and Großes Walsertal.
Registration: Until the day before 17.00 o'clock at Damüls Faschina Tourism (+43 5510 620) or online by 8.00 p.m.
Equipment: Ankle-high mountain boots with profile sole, Backpack with min. 1 L liquid, Sun, rain protection and Hiking poles (if available)
Tours 1: Panoramic hike in Damüls with distant views from Bodensee to the Silvretta
Damüls – Ascent Ugalift – Ragazer Blanken – Sünser Joch – Kirchdorf Damüls
Tours 2: Summit hike with lakes and view to the Rätikon
Damüls – der Krumbach entlang zur Alpe Ragaz – Sünserjoch – Portlahorn – Alpe Oberdamüls – Tourismusbüro Damüls
Tours 3: Mountain hike with a view over the Bregenzerwald to the Bodensee
Damüls – driveway Ugalift – Alpe Mittlere Argen – Klippern – Alpe Obere – Edelweiss Hütte – bus stop Argenwald – with bus back to Damüls.

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