Brunnenfeld_Loop: Variant 2b via Wiesenrain | Bludenz

Distance1,3 km

Elevation gain1 m

Negative altitude8 m


Duration0:20 h

Distance1,3 km

Elevation gain1 m


Duration0:20 h

A short moment

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Brunnenfeld_Loop: Variant 2b via Wiesenrain | Bludenz

Before the Brunnenfeld-Loop disappears under the motorway bridge, you run straight over the small bridge of the Getzner Canal and join the Wiesenrain variant there. This variant makes for a slightly shorter total lap length of 8.4 kilometres. Through the urban area of Klarenbrunn, you come to a large meadow, the Wiesenrain. You then switch to the other side of the railway and rejoin the Brunnenfeld loop at St. Peter's Monastery.


Running shoes, sun and rain protection, filled water bottle, snack (as desired) and first aid kit. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Bridge in front of motorway subway, Bludenz

End: St. Peter's Monastery, Bludenz

Bridge in front of motorway subway - Klarenbrunnstraße - Bludenz Moos railway station - Wiesenrain - St. Peter monastery


  • Linear route

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)