Dalaas - Küngs Maisäß ins Montafon - Dalaas | Dalaas

Distance10,3 km

Elevation gain940 m

Negative altitude939 m


Duration5:15 h

Distance10,3 km

Elevation gain940 m


Duration5:15 h

A short moment

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Dalaas - Küngs Maisäß ins Montafon - Dalaas | Dalaas

This challenging hike starts at Gasthof Krone in Dalaas. From there, take the tarmac road towards the Müß parcel, where the hiking trail branches off towards Küngs Maisäß. From here, a narrow path, which is marked white-blue-white, leads up through steep and wooded terrain towards Küngs Maisäß. Küngs Maisäß, a restored group of Alpine huts, stands in a clearing with sensational views over the Klostertal valley. From there, the trail continues uphill until it joins another hiking trail. Now turn left and follow the hiking trail towards Falla and Kristbergsattel. Along this path, you will also pass the Ganzaleita viewpoint - very beautiful views towards the Rote Wand and Lechquellengebirge mountains. Continue along the hiking trail to the Kristbergsattel. There the path branches off again and leads through the Dalaas community forest and past the Bruder Hüsle down towards Dalaas. The last section leads through the Poller / Gässle parcel before returning to the starting point.


Sturdy shoes, warm clothing, rain and sun protection, a snack, a full water bottle and hiking poles are recommended. Mobile phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Gasthof Krone, Dalaas

End: Gasthof Krone, Dalaas

Gasthof Krone - Parzelle Müß - from here white-blue-white trail (only for experienced hikers) up towards Küngs Maisäß - Küngs Maisäß - junction with hiking trail - turn left towards Kristbergsattel - Falla - Ganzaleita with viewpoint - Kristbergsattel - Dalaaser Gemeindewald/Bruder Hüsle - Poller - Gasthof Krone


  • Scenic
  • Round trip
  • Secured passages

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)