Nenzinger Himmel above Amatschonjoch | Brand

Distance22,4 km

Elevation gain1332 m

Negative altitude1333 m


Duration9:00 h

Distance22,4 km

Elevation gain1332 m


Duration9:00 h

A short moment

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Nenzinger Himmel above Amatschonjoch | Brand

Wonderful hike from Brandnertal to the picturesquely situated Nenzinger Himmel in the Gamperdonatal. A moderately difficult hike, with a stop for refreshments at the Innere Paprfienzalpe and the option of returning by hiking bus, make this tour a pleasant full-day undertaking in the Rätikon / Vorarlberg.

You can save part of the ascent by taking the village railway in Brand, from where you first hike to the serviced Innere Parpfienzalpe (1,524 m). Later you reach the Niggenkopf (1,589 m) via a road and continue over a long ridge of the Gulma (1,859 m) towards the Amatschonjoch (2,028 m). Below the walls of the Blankuskopf, a narrow steep path leads down to the Setschalpe (1,722 m, closed). Caution is advised in wet conditions and in spring snowfields are still possible in places. From the alp, the hiking trail still leads steeply into the beautifully situated summer village of Nenzinger Himmel. Return via the same path or by hiking bus (registration required at least 1 day in advance) to Nenzing.

Author's recommendation

To shorten the tour a little, you can take the comfortable hiking bus from Nenzinger Himmel to Nenzing and then return to Brand by bus and train. This way you save yourself the way back! Registration for the hiking bus is required at least 1 day in advance!

Information at


Ankle-high mountain boots with tread sole, sun and rain protection, snack, filled water bottle and first aid kit. Hiking poles are recommended. Cell phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Dorfbahn mountain station, Brand

End: Nenzinger Himmel or Dorfbahn mountain station, Brand

Ascent Dorfbahn - Dorfbahn mountain station - Innere Parpfienzalpe - Niggenkopf - Gulma - Amatschonjoch - Alpe Setsch - Nenzinger Himmel - same way back or alternatively with the hiking bus (registration required) to Nenzing


  • Scenic
  • Out and back
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Cableway ascent/descent
  • Linear route

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)