2 adults

Rooms 1


My accommodation

2 adults

A good choice for your holiday:
Alpenstadt Bludenz

  • 163 landlords and hosts
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

A good choice for your holiday:

  • 163 accommodations
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

A good choice for your holiday:

  • 163 landlords and hosts
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

A good choice for your holiday:
Biosphere reserve Großes Walsertal

  • 163 holiday properties
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

Rooms 1

Refuges & Alps in the Biosphere Reserve Grosses Walsertal

Refreshments on the Alps

Experienced mountain guides will be happy to accompany you on a sunrise mountain summit hike where early-risen hikers will be rewarded with a wonderful breakfast. Let yourself be led to the summer alps, where even today the tasty mountain cheese is produced in a very traditional way. Or how about an Alpine breakfast on the Alpe Steris? A special attraction for nature gourmets!

Hiking from hut to hut, enjoying spectacular views, exploring high alpine terrain and discovering the rare flora and fauna.

Around the Großen Walsertal are shelters and alps with overnight accommodation which can be connected by shorter or longer daily stages. The protect huts are of course a worthwhile destination for a day hike.

Huts & Alps in the Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal

Alpe Sentum

Alpe Sentum

Alpe Sentum

Food & Beverage

Alp in the Biosphärenpark Großes Walsertal

St. Gerold

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Current situation:


A short moment

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